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Alpine introduceert Rac(H)er, ambitieus wervingsprogramma gericht op gelijke kansen in autosport en engineering


  • Van coureurs tot aan engineers of technische functies, het programma Rac(H)er is een duidelijke en gedefinieerde wervingsroute voor meer diversiteit in talent bij Alpine.
  • Dit programma is het begin van een transformatie en maakt deel uit van de lange termijn doelstellingen van Renault Group, zoals die zijn omschreven in het strategische plan Renaulution door CEO Luca de Meo in 2021.
  • Het gemis aan vrouwelijke coureurs in de F1 onderstrepen dit issue nog eens extra; BWT Alpine F1 Team zal ook een allesomvattend programma introduceren om diversiteit te bevorderen, ook in het rijdersrooster.

Alpine introduceert Rac(H)er, ambitieus wervingsprogramma gericht op gelijke kansen in autosport en engineering

Alpine today commits to increasing diversity within its own workforce. The Rac(H)er programme is designed to reinforce meritocracy across genders in all areas of the company, from technical functions to racing and competition. By doing so, Alpine will fully leverage the complete and complementary skills of the available workforce.

The programme breaks down into several sections as follows:

  • A programme to raise awareness of inclusion issues internally throughout the entire Alpine Business Unit. We aim to create equal opportunities for all genders.
  • A motor racing section underpinned by research carried out by the Paris Brain Institute to appreciate what it takes to be a top-class racing driver. This programme will also include the deconstruction of stereotypes using research with the funding of a scientific study to definitively break down all the pseudo- scientific alleged hurdles to F1 female competition (fitness, cognitive). By partnering with several training organisations, Alpine will establish a specific development programme with dedicated financial means to lead the first woman into consistent F1 competition.
  • The launch of a fund, open to participation by all, to finance female talent within motorsport: Alpine is committed to establishing the right financial package and also finding sponsors.
  • Our education and support drive. Backed by our female ambassadors, we plan to go into schools to boost awareness and interest among girls about motor racing and car industry jobs in general.
  • The establishment of a long-term advocacy programme, engaging all relevant stakeholders in the motorsport and automotive industries in this transformative process.


With the Rac(H)er programme, Alpine is committed to promoting the inclusion and subsequent promotions of a diverse workforce at all levels. At present females make up just 12% of its workforce.

The programme will start with the investment in local STEM programmes that encourage women to enter the scientific and technical fields and to pursue them in the long term. Thereafter, we will ensure correct support via the implementation of a mentoring programme in all departments of the company to support women in their chosen career.

Managers within the company will undergo multiple training programmes to actively combat pre-existing prejudices and uphold the Alpine values.

The complete programme will aim to make every staff member an ambassador capable of promoting Rac(H)er at a grass-roots level, thereby creating a cyclical structure.

Our target is to increase our diversity step by step, with an aim of 30% females within 5 years (vs. 12% in 2022). The commitment begins with the recruitment of 50-50% male-female trainees and graduates, starting immediately.


The issues concerning female representation and diversity within the company are highlighted by the fact that BWT Alpine F1 Team’s workforce is only 10% female, an average found across the motorsport industry. And in 72 years of Formula One racing, only six out of 885 drivers have been women.

While all too often female talents are spotted and supported too late to pursue a long- term career at the highest level, the Academy’s programme aims to identify, from an early age, young female karters who want to enter Formula 1. This programme will deploy a comprehensive roadmap to set out racing plans, testing plans, physical training plans and mental training programs to support the progression of these talents.

Alpine is committed to conducting scientific studies (physical, mental and wellness) to identify the training needs of these promising drivers to bring them to a competitive level in Formula 1. Substantial resources will be allocated to the realisation of this programme to give women drivers the same chances to succeed as the greatest champions trained by the Academy and thus to move from karting to F4, then from regional championships to F3 and finally from F2 to F1.

The Rac(H)er programme aims to engage all stakeholders in the sport and the motor industry, starting with F1 and the FIA Women in Motorsport Committee, as well as creating links with existing programmes to address the challenge of inclusion such as Girls on Track.

Laurent Rossi, Alpine CEO: Our role, as a Formula 1 team and a brand of the Renault group is to commit to making our ecosystem more inclusive and making diversity our strength. We are aware of the need for a profound transformation of both the sport and the industry so that all talents can flourish in the future. By launching Rac(H)er, this long-term transformation programme, we hope to be joined by all the players in the sector, because it is only by uniting that we will be able to make real progress. And that would be our real success.”

Claire Mesnier, Alpine Human Resources VP: With Rac(H)er, we want to create a true meritocracy and not just move statistics. We have designed a unique, long- term programme that relies on the commitment of all Alpine employees. The challenge is to encourage reflection within the teams but also to put in place concrete means to move things forward both within the company. We commit to doing this in all areas of the company and are leading by example. Fifty percent of the Alpine Management Committee are now female – not because this is a quota but because they are the best in their field of expertise to lead the role and its responsibilities.”

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