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Dacia Spring verkozen tot AUTOBEST ‘Best Buy Car of 2022’

Dacia   Spring

De Dacia Spring is door de internationale jury van AUTOBEST, bestaande uit autojournalisten uit 32 Europese landen, verkozen tot ‘Best Buy Car of Europe 2022’. Met een comfortabele voorsprong werd de Spring niet alleen uitgeroepen tot de beste auto in de competitie, maar ook tot meest betaalbare. Bovendien is de Dacia Spring de eerste 100% elektrische auto die in de 21-jarige geschiedenis van AUTOBEST is uitgeroepen tot overall winnaar. Deze overwinning onderstreept het succesverhaal van de Spring, die vorige week nog bij de Automobile Awards de ‘Good Deal’-award in de wacht sleepte, en bekrachtigd de visie van Dacia om 100% elektrische mobiliteit voor iedereen toegankelijk te maken.

Dacia Spring verkozen tot AUTOBEST ‘Best Buy Car of 2022’


Launched at the end of March 2021, Dacia Spring has immediately found its audience with over 43,000 orders.

And for good reason: Spring makes 100% electric mobility simple and offers everything that is essential for customers (navigation, air conditioning, electric windows, smartphone replication, etc.) at a price unmatched in Europe. Underneath the compact SUV look lies record-breaking roominess with four real seats, an efficient and reliable electric motor, and a range of up to 305 km (WLTP City cycle – 230 km in WLTP Combined cycle).

Denis Le Vot, CEO of the Dacia & LADA brands: “We are very proud to win the AUTOBEST 2022 award. This prize confirms Dacia’s determination to always offer its customers what really makes sense to them. Simple and accessible to all, Spring is well in tune with the times. I would like to thank the members of the AUTOBEST jury for inviting us to continue in this way.”

In addition to the Best Buy Car of Europe 2022 award, Dacia Spring also achieved excellent results at the ECOBEST Challenge 2021, organised by AUTOBEST last November, including:
– a measured range of 221 km in the combined cycle (for a WLTP homologation of 230 km)
– a remaining range of 31 km with 0% energy reserve on the dashboard
– an energy efficiency of 8.25 km/kWh, the best measured among the 15 vehicles tested.


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