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Fetch Car Sharing launched in Amsterdam


Sharon Dijksma, Alderman of Traffic, Transport, Water and Air Quality for the City of Amsterdam, today officially opened the new car sharing service of Fetch Car Sharing in Amsterdam. One hundred electric Renault ZOE shared cars are now available in the Dutch capital, with an additional one hundred Renault ZOE models being delivered in March.

Fetch Car Sharing launched in Amsterdam

Fetch Car Sharing is a new entrant on the growing car sharing market in the Netherlands. The company is part of ELC Automotive, a leading, independent B2B specialist in the field of fleet, rental and leasing solutions for B2B parties at home and abroad.

Renault is the largest provider of electric shared cars in Europe. The French automotive giant now has more than 5,000 electric shared cars driving in several major European cities. Cities like Paris, Madrid, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Bologna, Rome, Warsaw, Oslo already preceded Amsterdam. Renault is the European market leader for electric cars; one in four electric cars sold in Europe is a Renault.

The shared cars use the ‘free-floating’ system, meaning that the cars do not have a fixed parking space but can be picked up and dropped off anywhere within the parking zone in Amsterdam. Users don’t pay any parking fees in Amsterdam as long as they abide by the city’s regulations. A team of staff ensures the cars are recharged and ready to drive at strategic locations within the city limits.

Generous driving range

Fetch Car Sharing opted for the Renault ZOE because of its practical usability (five seats, five doors), the generous driving range of up to 300 km and because the battery can be recharged even quicker thanks to the unique Caméléon charger. Moreover, Fetch Car Sharing can rely on the knowledge and experience of Renault in the area of electric driving.

Fetch Car Sharing and Renault have a nationwide ambition. Their goal is to expand the car sharing service to a second major city in the Netherlands in the course of 2019. For details please read the full press release.

More information:

On the photo from left to right: Marco Boender (Fetch Car Sharing), Sharon Dijksma, Christelle Reale (Country Operations Director Renault Netherlands) and Vincent Carré (Renault GM EV & Mobility Europe).

Click here for the full press release



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